UX Banners are responsive and animated banners.
These banners can be inserted into a UX Slider or into a banner grid.
This is a simple banner with centered text
[ux_banner bg="http://imageurl" height="500px" animation="flipInX"] <h1>DEFAULT BANNER</h1> <h3>This is a simple banner with centered text. Change text and background easely... </h3> ____ [/ux_banner]
[ux_banner bg="http://imageurl" height="560px" link="" animation="fadeInLeft" text_align="center" text_pos="right center" text_color="dark" text_width="40%"] <h3>This Weekend Only</h3> ____ <h1>FREE SHIPPING</h1> <h2>ON ALL ORDERS!</h2> ____ [button text='Browse products' link='http://'] [/ux_banner]
[ux_banner bg="http://imageurl" height="560px" link="" animation="fadeInLeft" text_align="center" text_pos="right center" text_color="dark" text_width="40%"] <h3>This Weekend Only</h3> ____ <h1>FREE SHIPPING</h1> <h2>ON ALL ORDERS!</h2> ____ [button text='Browse products' link='http://'] [/ux_banner]
[ux_banner bg="http://imageurl" height="560px" link="" animation="fadeInLeft" text_align="center" text_pos="right center" text_color="dark" text_width="40%"] <h3 class="alt-font">It has Finaly started...</h3> ____ <h1 class="h-large">HUGE SALE</h1> <h1>UP TO 70% OFF</h1> ____ [button style="alt-button white" text="Shop men" link="http://"] [button style="alt-button white" text="Shop women" link="http://"] [button style="alt-button white" text="Shop kids" link="http://"] [/ux_banner]
[ux_banner bg="http://imageurl" height="300px" animation="flipInX"] <h1>ABOUT US</h1> ___ [share] [/ux_banner]
Banner Grid
[ux_banner_grid] [col span="6"] [ux_banner height="600px" bg=""] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span="3" ] [ux_banner height="600px" bg=""] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span="3" ] [ux_banner height="292px" bg=""] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span="3"] [ux_banner height="292px" bg=""] [/ux_banner] [/col] [/ux_banner_grid]
3-column Banner Row
Our Top Brands
[row] [col span=1/3] [ux_banner link="http://flatsome.uxthemes.com/blog/" bg="http://imageurl" hover="zoom" height="160px"] <h2 class="uppercase">Weekly Giveaway</h2> ___ [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=1/3] [ux_banner link="http://flatsome.uxthemes.com/blog/" bg="http://imageurl" hover="zoom" height="160px"] <h2 class="uppercase">Join our competition</h2> ___ [/ux_banner] [/col] [/col] [/row]